BIG FAT P E N I S,is what I got,so remember that

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by III-RavenClaw-III, Nov 5, 2011.

  1. Pe nis, f uck co ckadoodle ketchup chips.stupid f u ck goofs
  2. Keep it up ajd you'll be forum banned.

  3. Has someone informed a mod?
  4. Why ?? Just, why ??
  5. and this is a fine example of why need more mods
  6. tell us how much the game is a fail and then spam forums your so funny.
    Its been done before
    By every redneck bogan that gets silenced 
     keep thinking your so totally awesome and that we actually care.
  7. The brony empire is not pleased with this
  8. Nobody wants to be mod in pimd because it's many people here vollied someone today vs the number of people that attack from the bl
  9. And your point is?
  10. I can tell you many peopl who dream of getting mod.

    And get ready for your forum ban
  11. Yes I wish I was a mod...
  12. Wow
    Hope u get banned
    ~I'm Sexii So I Bump This
  13. Dude you just tale it to far not cool man