
Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Frieren5, Nov 29, 2023.

  1. Hello, i would like to ask if some sellers would like to start auctions?

    Specifically sellers that wants to bid those avatars or anything that are really high on demand and they say on pub "I have this (really sought out something) WMO" then proceed to tell people that it should be higher than what they offered.
    I just really think, they better start doing auctions instead. Since, naturally they would go for higher bid and buyers would not waste too much time(?)
    Or is this a bad idea, only would be advantageous to sellers?
  2. Sellers than want to sell avatars*
  3. Everything has its worth and people will only pay so much. And sellers will always get as much as they can.

    Wmo is a strategy to talk people up in price. Its a common sales tactic even in real life
    Frieren5 likes this.
  4. People usually hold a bit of a bidding war on their wall for high demand items, latest example being those avatars. So to answer your initial post, some sellers already do this. Or they will just hold onto a valuable item and let the price increase over time.
    Muschi, Kefo, Frieren5 and 1 other person like this.
  5. Would be interesting to see if they ever change up how players sell things. Like a market place or something?
    Muschi, Kefo and Frieren5 like this.
  6. This sort of idea was suggested a long time ago, and I do think it would be interesting. But I wonder how complex it is to integrate into the current game.

    I think it is advantageous to the seller, but it’s also at the buyers discretion considering in theory they could find the best price for the item they’re looking for comparatively.

    Definitely would be a cool idea, just overall not sure how it would work. Like would it be on forums, or a button on the home menu? A separate chat tab like campus?
    Croatia, Muschi and Frieren5 like this.
  7. I could see it happening in forums and not other parts of the game with it being a tedious task catered for only a small amount(?) of players in the game.
  8. Ahh i see, so what i saw in some sellers are technically bidding and i failed to realize it. You think ATA would give them a place to hold things more easier to navigate?
  9. Honestly? Probably not, as the current way its set up puts you in a position to seek out the item yourself. (Creating engagement with their game.)
    Frieren5 likes this.
  10. The in game market is currently held together by duct tape and prayers and could crash at any moment. Changing how it works in any slight way can cause it to come crashing down.
    Frieren5 and RoseMilkTea like this.
  11. This would be fascinating to watch
    Frieren5 and _HeIium_ like this.
  12. It could finally be time for the peps to make their rise to primary currency.
  13. I think it would also lead to old rares finally increasing in value.

    It will add visibility to unknown items.
  14. Definitely true, and it would prevent new or returning players from getting completely scalped on prices since it would be a way for players to self-educate on pricing.
  15. Better get a start on hoarding peps
    Muschi and Frieren5 like this.