Biased NOOBS.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-_DimSumWarrior_- (01), Dec 30, 2011.

  1. That's right. The lack of common sense and mind is infiltrating our beloved forums.

    Some people are biased, and that can't be helped. But when you are biased in a fight, you have to believe what is right and KNOW WHAT IS RIGHT.

    Instead of seeing your friend on danger and blaming the others, you should either mind YOUR OWN BUSINESS or ASK WHAT'S WRONG.

    Not be a damned know-it-all.

    I'm pissed off everytime somebody acts like a big-shot and defens his/her friend by throwing random insults. That's the number one obvious hint that you have NO IDEA what's going on.

    So I daresay. If you want to defen your friend, get the dough before you act like a bitch. Because that's the number one way you'll gain more enemies.

    I daresay I'm ashamed of some of you, because you're being a foolish prick by running into an argument you know nothing about.

    Rant finished, and I hope you wise up.
  2. This wouldn't be directed at anybody, would it?
  3. Yes. Yes it does. It's directed to all the idiots who would he foolish enough to do this.
  4. I hate when people are losing an argument and they call their little Noob army to Noob it all up. And then they act arrogant because they think they won with their Noob army that noobed it all up. Noob is too good a name for them. I like n00blet.
  5. I cant believe yur ovly 11
  6. Awe so you don't like people to stand up for what they believe in and be a good friend. No wonder you live all your life on PIMD... RIP real life chloe, people would have missed you.
  7. Charity, I'll take that as another compliment. Now sit back and re-read the thread.

  8. Now she can't read?  god damn it where's Albert Einstein when you need Em. to explain basic concepts and tutor you ——__——
  9. Charity.
  10. Is that the best name you can come up with because you havn't changed it up much.
  11. Charity, it's not my fault you can't read and was dropped in the head at the age of 3.
  12. Blockey einstein failed at a lot of his experiments. Actually he failed more then he succeeded.
  13. Everybody get off charity  i nean come on she clearly can't read  we should be teaching her HOW NOT TO BE A FUCKING DUMBASS :evil: err I mean read 
  14.  such rudeness
  15. I was never dropped on the head as a child, i fell of the monkey bars, i passed out in a doctors office, and i was thrown off of a vehicle, but never dropped on my head.
  16. Chloe, I loves you and I support you, but my happy as is not involving my sass. 

  17. Charity, that's an opinion.

    Many thought he was a failure, but his experiments were theories.

  18. -repeated facesledgehammer- who cares?  he was still one of the most brilliant men to ever walk the earth. And no he didn't fail very many at all. He left a lot of experiments unfinished at his death, just like davinci did.