
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheFemaleReject, Aug 8, 2014.

  1. Girls Or Boys.?

    In your experience which one is better.?

    Same sex relationships.?

    Normal relationships.?

    #TeamBi <3

    P.s. I'm bored that why I did this xD
  2. #TeamBi <3
  3. #TeamStraight
  4. Any sort of relationship is fine. Whether you are gay, straight or bi it doesn't change who you are. :)
  5. So far for me I like girls more ^~^
  6. TEAM#whatevermakesyouhappy
  7. Who runs the world?
  8. #Teammate
  9. And the hash tag is in the wrong spot lol
    Can you tell I don't use Twitter? Haha
  10. Idk air.? God.?
  11. @riccena no not at all you could have fooled me with that one xD ^~^
  12. Yes we can Riccena lmao  #teamnick
  13. Gender shouldn't define love. 
  14. It doesn't but just wanna know what gender did I for them ^-^
  15. Love is love and that's all that matters.
  16. As long as you are happy with whoever you are with. Then it doesn't matter what gender you are.