
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by _-M4GN1F1C3NT-_, May 5, 2012.

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  1. Betty, to me you are just another coward that only knows how to bully n farm T4 players! What a jerk you are indeed! Stopped whinning and enjoy being a T5 farm for many in PIMD! I've repeatedly warned you; do not touch my member that's only 600k cs and you still wanna try my patience. No wonder your club mates are staying out from ur issues with us and other clubs that are farming you at the moment! You have never learnt your lesson, so we will continue to milk you until you quit or stop bullying lower stats. You are a total disgrace to all T5 taking on and only knows how to bully weaker stats! Pls dun send udid fakers to join my club or I will report you and have you banned from breaking TOU! To all T5 LCBC that are hungry for T5 farm; Betty-Decker is an open FARM! Betty, love me or hate me, that's none of my business, you ask for it! OPEN FARM; Betty-Decker
  3. job mag
  4. I read her giant forum and I believe that I'm on your side no matter what was said  from the screen shot she posted I have the idea she deserves it for messing with your club member (sorry if your a he I didn't check your profile) 
  5.  .... Ummm
  6. 1) I don't use a UDID faker. This is easily confirmed by ATA. I have one account on this device and one account on my iPod which I haven't used in a long time (BETTY).

    Making up such blatant lies about me and using them to threaten me in a public forum is clearly harassment and I expect ATA to take appropriate action.

    It also tends to undermine any shred of credibility you may have left. Honestly, didn't you consider this before posting such a silly lie?

    2) The only people farming me are you and your club members. And only one or two are doing so. My conflict with Giavante has been going long time. You know nothing of the situation, he had this situation before running to your club for protection. You instigated this conflict by involving yourself.

    3) I have done everything I can to keep my club out of this conflict as you have threatened to strip farm my club owner and my entire club. My club owner is sending ATA ss of your threats and bullying messages.

    4) Your post amounts to a trashing talking personal attack on me in a public forum in which you also call for the entire PIMD community to attack me. Again, this is clear harassment and I expect ATA to take appropriate action.

    5) ATA has been provided ss of your sending inappropriate content in private messages to me. Again, I expect ATA to take appropriate action.

    6) Several people have commented that ATA won't act against mag in any meaningful way because of the amount of money he has spent on PIMD, and imply that ATA is a corrupt company.

    Personally, I doubt that is the case. But I am curious to see what, if any, action they will take. Hopefully, they will be able to change the growing perception that ATA enforces it's rules in a arbitrary and selective manner.
  7. I can attest to the fact that Betty's issue with Giavante is old news 
    She has had problems with him since before I met her almost a year ago...
    Not to mention that I know others were farming him before he joined Mag's club so, why all the hate only for Betty? Betty is lovely 
  8. I will let my club members know immediately mag
  9. Betty's issue with giavante is old old old news from way long ago when they were in immortals and before all these farm wars ever started. Giavante has issues with others too. Not just Betty.
  10. I agree with everything you're saying Betty. But trust me they won't ban him. They're not going to do the right thing and silence or forum ban of whatever they could do for harassment. Spending loads of money pretty much nullifies the ToU for you. They'll always have a reason not to ban the big spenders.
  11. The Betty giavante thing is OLD news. Since I was a noob
  12. What

    Gia ? Oh wow.. Lol everyone knows he use to bully not sure if he still does .. But they do have long history lol
  13. I don't know who that guy is.  noob moment
  14. Giavante used to strip and farm me when I was low stats and he was around like say 50kcs? Yes long time ago
  15. Sorry for the typo, meant "trash talking" not "trashing talking." That's what happens when I post while shopping at Target. 
  16. Wow the Giavante's issues started long long long ago when Alice an Betty were still immortals with him. .
  17. I spent 49 bucks today do I get a special privilege? I want a parking spot in the ATA lot right away and a little fridge with a key in my new ATA office!!! 
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