beta wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by PVC-STEVE, Aug 30, 2013.

  1. Wtf!!!! I try and sign up for the beta wars. And the sign up button is grey come onnnn !!!!!
  2. sign ups ended already 2 hours ago
  3. I swear I'm gonna farm everyone who slept through the war again this is bs DONT JOIN A DAMN WAR IF YOUR GONNA SLEEP JUST TO COLLECT A FREAKING TROPHY DAMN IT!!!!
  4. Mother fucker beta war don't permit outside hits
  5. Ikr we're losing cause most of our members are sleeping
  6. Farm them then
  7. Right they say hey lets join the war so we can get a free trophy and sit on our damn asses while we loose I GOT NEWS IM HONNA START FARMING BECAUSE THIS IS THE DAMN THIRD TIME ! devs hear my plea anyone who has no plunder at the end of a war should not recieve a trophy!!!PLEASE
  8. Anya you take it too seriously
  9. Chillax duudee
  10. Jopo I didn't sign up for a damn pwar okayI haven't even vacuumed yet
  11. U mad gurlllll?

    couldn't help it.

    What if they aren't sleepin, but busy?
  13. Shouldn't have....

    Hate it when people use 'of'

    "Shouldn't of" doesn't make sense.
  14. I've lost my damn mind. ?
  15. It's just a game Anya......
  16. I think you should manually have to join war  if you don't join then no trophy
  17. I got a frustrated last war, omfg it was horrible no one was cooperating. -_- I wanted to farm everyone.
  18. See see I'm not the only on jopo I think that if you have 0 plunder at the end of the war no trophy should be awarded
  19. Yeah Anya but I dont see them using tomato faces and caps locking....