Beta Wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by CatLady, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. I tried the Beta War Test one, and I have to say it was a really fun experience, and I'm going to be in for test two.
    It worked a lot smoother than I expected, and it was just a fun way to war.
    I was in the club Secretive Mongoose, warring Executive Businessman.
    What were some of the other clubs?
  2. Sneaky Heroes <333 love the name toooo
  3. Secretive Mongoose  was there too
  4. If you looked at the campus buzz you would've known, there were 14 clubs, 7 wars
  5. Blue Snakes Vs Red Kings

    It was cool yeah :)
  6. The Great Cool Kids 

    ? We're too cool for you.
  7. It was fun and I've joined Test2
  8. I was in executive against you elei it was an awesome war although I see on both clubs we had inactives I wish we had the option to kick inactives so there was no leaking involved Great War
  9. The great cool kids 

    Still the lamest name ever 
  10. I'm too lazy for that, Zach, and this gives people a chance to share their experience.
  11. Anya, I had fun. You guys were great pests
  12. Secretive MongooseWinnin like its nobodys business
  14. Secretive mongoose 
  15. The Great Cool Kids

    I really liked how all this went down and hope the wars in the future are like this. Maybe ill war more often. 

    Cool Kid out
  16. Yay! All secretive mongooses here  mostly
  17. Yeah we Are DolceSecretive Mongoose
  18. I hope that this becomes a perminate thing soon.
  19. PRESENT  hahaha 
     Secretive Mongoose 
  20. I was in executive businessmen hahha. It was definitely a fun time! Can't wait for the next war'