Discussion in 'Wars' started by MASTEROFPEOPLE, Aug 10, 2014.

  1. Well I did two wars one as a noob and one under this one my main

    Mini me got 945 dart gunsused one doctor note and 200 cubes lost that war (second in plunder)

    Main account 645 dart guns no doctor notes used and 200 cubes won that war (seventh in plunder)

    Now won or lose you still get the same amount of cubes 0.o so why try to win the wars Devs fix that pls make it worth the win

    If anyone got more then 200 cubes please comment below.
  2. 160 cubes honestly I would've got more if I just didn't do it..
  3. I did the math and got 5 cubes/ hit in my payout, but mine were mainly hits from pin. What about everyone else?
  4. 200 was max u can get
  5. No support, its fair atleast since cubes drop so low. People will still fight to win war with VHS tapes on the line and for cubes ofcourse.
  6. 140 payout on cubs
  7. I did pay for war. (Use DN) ? I got 1335 Gun :D
  8. 200 is the max you can win
  9. The point is , winners should get more cubes/payouts then the side that lost. It's always been that way lol
  10. I won and got 160...
  11. No support bitch nigga
  12. It goes on actions and that imo is fair. What if you try extremely hard to hit and plunder but the rest of your team are inactive? It encourages players to hit all war rather then let their team win it for them.
  13. Raven shutup with yo white fat emo asss :lol:
  14. At least I don't hide behind alts, what a wimp lol
  15. Who cares about the prize I had to work hope round two I get to do it I just enjoy war for fun :)
  16. At least I'm skinny lol
  17. Skinny is yuck lol. Im not huge, many here have seen my pics, nothing wrong with having hips lol
  18. Thin line between hips and fat rollssss
  19. If thats the best you have to insult me with Im rather happy 