Wouldn't it be awesome if we could sign up as whole clubs in locked roster match-ups. I think this would be an awesome way to bring back wars for clubs as a whole, and i think kaw has something like this
They just need to have a system, if you are inactive the first 30min to an hour you get kicked or if you are inactive in 2 beta war the next two you are not allowed to participate in ,just a though
Great idea! Just allowing clubs to have a truly locked war would be a great step. The game already displays closest club rivals. There would be some adjustments needed, but great idea.
It just seems like not many clubs know/are willing to learn how to war which would make the war not as fun. And those clubs wouldn't be very evenly matched in a war setting. But I dunno; maybe that can change. You should email support with this idea.
I would email support, but i don't know how and i'm sure people would be down to war with their own club, it'd be great learning experience and fun while doing it.
If clubs had incentives such as trophies,stat boosts or it affected VIP club ranking all clubs would have no choice but to war trust me ppl have asked ata for this over and over again eventually i feel they will do this