Best time of year to start pimd anew?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by NoLongerUsinThisAcc, Nov 30, 2020.

  1. Just as the title says, if you was to start the game anew, or even an alt.. whens the best time of year to do it?
  2. Any time.
    As soon as possible so you get a head-start on the alternatives.
    NoLongerUsinThisAcc likes this.
  3. A good point
  4. I would like to summon my tutor @skylar69 for their input as they had just re installed pimd after a very long hiatus. like maybe 5 years? probably less. I dont they plan on staying lol
  5. There’s no specific time of year to start a new, as Kefo stated, the earlier the better because you’ll be missing out on new stuff that comes out. And it’s not like there are re-releases.

    As far as starting a new and “getting big” quickly you’d want to make an account before Black Friday promo (just ended) or July promo because you can upgrade an account a lot sooner with the extra cash payout.

    Not sure why you’d want to start a new though? Just change your ign 😄 that usually does the trick
    Kefo likes this.