Best In Heels 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *_NicoleTheShortie_ (01), Sep 24, 2011.

  1. This is for you!  (You know who you are )

    So my question is who would like best in heels? Robert Pattinson Vs. Taylor Lautner. 

    I say Robert Pattinson  He's more....I don't know..leaner? Taylor would just snap the heels lol
  3. Roflmao  you did NOT just make this thread 

    But to answer your question my twilight men don't wear heels 
  4. I say Robert because real men don't sparkle, plus his sparkles would only make the  stand out more

    Taylor on the other hand is pure smexxiness
  5. You knew it was coming 
  6.  silly 

    Jackie it's true taylor is so smexi 
  7. NOOOOO!

    Robert 
  8. I think they are both hawt  I cant wait for breaking dawn!!!
  9. I agree with Nicole cuz taylor would just snap the heel!!
  10. If real men don't sparkle is Eddie a robot!?!q
  11.  IKR!!

    *spazes out* 
  12. Edward isn't a robot  he's gorgeous 
  13. Who said he was a robot?! 
  14. I don't find Robert hot whatsoever

  15. He's mine  although I'm too old for him 
  16. Peach fuss  Majorly