Become The BEST

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *bluecarnes1 (01), Mar 5, 2011.

  1. Champ Status

    We are a united group which will help all the members to achieve CHAMP STATUS, and become the best on campus.

    Owner- Bluecarnes
    Co-owner- Xbrutaldrakox

    Anyone can join (subject to change soon so join while you can)
    Have Fun
    Help other members achieve Champ Status
    No farming
    No attacking other members
    Must be ACTIVE in Wars
    Must be ACTIVE on Club Chat

    Fail to meet any of these requirements and you will be questioned to be kicked out.

    Stats over 4000?? You may become an admin depending on your activity and how big and strong we become


    Get GNARLY BRA
  2. Bump!? Bump!? Stop! Hammer time.
  3. We're growing so fast!! Come and grow WITH US