beauty tips

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CauseOfEnvy, Apr 13, 2013.

  1. This thread is going to be all about beauty tips

    One way to keep your hair healthy is by mashing up a banana and putting it in your hair as a mask. Leave it on for about 15 minutes and wash it out

    Ladies we all hate split ends! And we love to curl our hair! How do we get beautiful curls with out damaging our hair?
    Step one- make sure your hair is wet
    Step two- take a section of your hair, size of your choice
    Step three- comb out the section
    Step four- wrap the section around your fingers creating a pin curl
    Step 5- clip the curl to your scalp
    Step 6- do the rest of your head
    Step 7- let it dry!
    When dry remove clips to reveal beautiful curls!

    We all want long hair right? An easy tip is to stimulate your scalp by brushing or massaging it. This will increase blood flow and your hair will grow faster.

    I will post more tips later! Any questions, leave them below and I will try my best to answer them
  2. I love this thread, but know nothing about beauty.
    Thanks :D I think I'll go molest my scalp now
  3. Imma molest some scalps.
  4. I'm just trying to be helpful... I'm in beauty school now.. And I'm just trying to share my knowledge
  5. More hair tips!!!

    Never go to bed with a wet head! You sebaceous glands (oil glands) will work harder and in the end you will have more oil on your scalp

    Blow drying your hair strengthens your scalp! So the more you blow dry, the stronger it is


    if you have dark spots a great remedy is egg whites and lemon!

    Another one is honey and lemon!

    To brighten up your face try all natural oatmeal as a mask
  6. So if you massage your scalp so your hair grows, how do you keep it from growing?
  7. Dont stimulate it as much, or cut it lol
  8. How do you stimulate your hair unconsciously? And my mother won't let me cut it right now until after this event which can't get here fast enough
  9. Instead of brushing at the scalp brush your ends only
  10. Under eye bags. Anybody have tips?
  11. "We all want long hair" --> FALSE 
  12. I feel beautiful now. 
  13. Banana? Is that some kind of a joke?
  14. No it's not a joke it actually works

    And for eye bags, put warm wet tea bags on them for like 10 minutes
  15. I tried the tea thing and it didn't work, instead my eye turned red for a couple hours.
  16. It depends what kind of tea you use. You may have been allergic to something in that certain tea .
  17. You could use raw potato for dark circles/bags
  18. We all wan long hair ?not everyone wans long hair
  19. To get rid of eye bags put freshly cut onions on them for 5 minute cycles. Take em off and replace. Do this for 60 minutes. The watering in your eyes will be pus like fluid draining from your eye bags.