Me and a friend found a way to get more cash without really 'farming'. Not sure if it's legal, but I'm gonna share and am open to critics. I don't think it's a new technique either. So you first look for someone who has similar stats to you, (strength higher than yours, intel lower or vice-versa: str lower, intel higher or equal) The main thing is that it has to be easy to battle. Then you keep attacking each other simultaneously to get cash You can also have a mutual agreement of being 'open' for attacks to each other. So attacking as many times as you want but it's not really farming, cuz you're helping each other out. True? So I'm not sure, what do you all think?
at first it is fun but then it gets boring and the leaderboard is now just made of lies and people who dont work hard. Just dont follow the same path so no do not do this it will spiral into disaster
I have a farm partner... But it's not technically osf and stuff, it's just more like we farm eachother. Don't think hes active anymore though...