Battle of the Continents! Idea comes from IYP-iRikkiLivesFor_SidsLove, shes also the main leader im just a partner. Was originally countries but we felt it easier this way. If you dont know your continent please go search on google. Continents: Asia Africa North America (mexico included) South America Europe Australia (NZ included) Antarctica 100±kcs to sign up Wall me or IYP-iRikkiLivesFor_SidsLove if you name change between now and end of sign ups! Please no name changes after final count. Asia vs Africa NA vs SA Europe vs Australia Asia vs SA NA vs Australia Europe vs Africa Asia vs Australia Na vs Africa Europe vs SA Asia vs NA Asia vs Europe Europe vs NA SA vs Africa SA vs Australia Australia vs Africa Sign ups end in two weeks! Wars start August 5! Declaring time: 1pm Sgt 11pm Pst 2am Est 6am Gmt Start of war: 5pm Sgt 3am Pst 6am Est 10am Gmt Rules! No tut stripping No one not signed up allowed in club No upgrades after wars begin All upgrades and name changes are to be reported to hosts no outside hits or hires no harmful threats Locked 12h roster if not in club by end of 4h then you wont participate in war that evening. All participates will be gifted based on activity during wars by me. Speaking with ATA about prizes hopefully they answer this time.