Battle of Sexes: Update

Discussion in 'Wars' started by TheCatLady, Oct 5, 2017.

  1. A quick recap:

    While we wait for spots to fill up for the war league, why not have exhibition wars? This time it's battle of sexes.
    Stat req: 1mcs
    When: oct 7, 12pm GMT
    Where: duh

    The thread is pretty bland but the war will be fun. So stop reading and sign up here


    The registrations are underway but creating a new thread as there's discrepencies in some igns. So here's the list of players that signed up so far.


    Blue names : checked and found ok
    Red names : These names have ign discrepancy so they need to pm one of the organisers with their correct ign
    Green names: these names have gender discrepancy

    -_-MisS_F3isTy--_--HiS_Bab3-_- (not really fiesty but whatever helps her sleep at night)
    Art (she's always busy being artsy)
    Anial8r (loves war but doesn't really war)
    --Jagerbomb-- (wait, who's that? o_O )
    Brijesh_ (a nice fella)
  2. Feisty* go back to school ?
  3. Didn't iJamesAmJustChilling say 'no support' in the previous "battle of the sexes" thread? Lol
  4. Like who cares? ^
  5. I can't English deal with it

    He did
  6. Nah ...what I meant was that, he said that he did not support the event in the previous thread but participated in the event himself which, is self contradicting.
  7. How rude 
  8. I've try to sign up but the website says Email id needed etc for sign up. ? what should i do? ?
  9. I’m not participating though..

    Edit: Oh wow, that’s classic, some nub thought it was funny and signed me up
  10. So does anyone but Art and brijesh have war experience or..
  11. Nah we're warring for experience
  12. You should focus on getting stats
  13. Oyee Answer my Question.
    Jesus christ
    Ata help system is way better ?
  14. I am
  15. That's once a week
  16. Pls post an ss

  17. Why would i post my Ass picture?
    Reported for Harassment

    Jesus christ
    Meee eyes meeeee eyesssss
    Somebody Bring water Ahhhhhhh meee eyess