Back at it again!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Frog, Mar 20, 2019.

  1. it's that time again folks!

    I'm big time sad
    I know, C L A S S I C Brandon

    Post sad things like songs or depressing memes.
  2. sad thing: my life
  3. Is there another state of emotion that exists for you?
  4. Who's Brandon?
  5. Did you mean to say his life?

    Cause if so i agree.
  6. so you’ve decided to manifested your sadness on a game forum nice!!!

    seriously go eat mcdonalds it’ll make u happy ️
  7. Damn rosie, u and op got beef? ?

  8. smol sad cat
  9. The mars curiosity rover sang happy birthday to itself in space, cold and alone. Its only other friend was on the other side of the planet.
  10. Look at da baby

  11. Sad cat is sad because you’re sad
  12. This level 2 sadness
  13. You're all bad at this, I'm still sad
  14. sounds like a personal problem.
  15. Put a laugh track over your life and smile
  16. OP, try

    I guarantee you'll feel much better
  17. ???