
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RevolutionaryWolf, Jan 23, 2015.

  1. The evolution of bæ lolGreat work
  2. Support. Lmao.
  3. Spot on. Such a fine piece of art
  4. Ba :lol:
  5. Wonder how they'd react if somebody were to take this over to KaW...
  6. "Thou hath skin like a babe!" lolol
  7.  Fabulous piece of work nick!
  8. Oh god I love this!!!
  9. Nick this is great! I love it. 
  10. Lmao
    !!! I love it... 
  11. Its sad how good threads like these get to only 2 pages but drama threads get to 10+
  12.  and not "bæ" its"Bae" ? get it right
  13. Hilarious comic, Nick!  I shudder thinking of what else comes next.
  15. Hahaha on point man :lol: