My amigo and i are hosting some friendly b2b wars from now until we feel satisfied with ourselves so this is just an invitation to anyone that wants to swing by and join in . Also just to spice it up a bit we were thinkin of having a semi organized war over the weekend so the more people who join the more fun (at least that's what I'm hoping). I'm assuming most of the people who join will be of the higher stats, but all are welcome ?. (My creativity is lacking with the 0 bb code in this post so my bad with that. If it makes you feel better, you can imagine fancy colors and different sized text) Anyway...if you've made it this far you deserve a thank thank you hope I see u there ? ?
Atm we r doing b2b 4hr wars, but if enough people let either me or Moepi (the 'amigo') know then we can extend the war time. As far as what time it starts, we will see how it's looking later on I guess .
I see bold lettering that are hot pink out lined in black... with some green lines separating your paragraph. an blue for words threw out lmfao
War sounds good I may stop by tomorrow. If there still on. I maybe low in stats but that just means I can pest XD
I don't mind that it's an old post. If people would like to war, I'd be more than happy to set something up; just let me know ?