Avi Feedback

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CapedClown, Jul 22, 2022.

  1. Hi. I appreciate the survey that you guys put together. I think it was a good start in figuring out what people prefer. It would be cool to see the data on that to see how varied the responses were.

    But I was thinking, what if you had a forum topic where you had everyone create lists of their favorite avis in their inventory? It could be a top five or even top five male and top five female avis. Everyone’s responses would be different, but you might see specific avis repeated on each list as more people respond. Those stat item incentives are also a great way to encourage participation. I’d be happy to create a top ten list and it would be cool to see what other people like. Then you could have an optional section for people to write what they like best about the avis they chose.
    Champagne likes this.
  2. Most of my favorite avis i dont have on here tho. I domt have many favorites anyway. But yehh.

    My avi on tricerascotts was the 1st avi that i liked.
    And a avi i got from lite box that aparently was only a spinner avi so broke the game since day 3 😂😂
    And the vixen? Vip v-day bag avi hot as fuck
    And i like the avi i got on here atm but idk if thats coz i like it or coz i feel the need to use it the most coz a old mate gifted me the avi and the ox shards were selling for like 100:16-20b at the time some shit like that

    Thats all i can remember of atm
    CapedClown likes this.
  3. I like that. Thanks for sharing. :)
    I like your current avi a lot, too. I’d probably feel that way as well if I knew my avi was worth close to 160b. I’ll work on a list and post it here when I get the chance.
    DinosAreTheOldestCars likes this.