Avi Facial Expressions

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Chulo17, Nov 19, 2018.

  1. Do y’all think there should be more facial expressions for avis?

    I’ve noticed they always have a smile of some sort or have a serious face but like.. what about sassy eye-rolling expressions or just plain frustration, or even a crying avi to express my depression even more.

  2. support
  3. Also, I didn’t notice this was my 800th post whoops ?
  4. Congratzz!!
  5. Support, especially a sassy eye roll.

    Also congrats on 800 posts!
  6. Yes yes and yes
  7. Crying, it’s a whole mood
  8. I've always been annoyed by their lack of difference in facial expression tbh. Support
  9. SuPpOrT 1000%
  10. The crying avi can be part of a depression hunt. Collecting dirty dishes and missed phone calls. A 999 thats just a mountain of dirty laundry.
  11. mood
  12. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    how many people complain about the wrong gender avi?

    imagine all the people complaining about the wrong facial expression!
  13. We're just asking for artist to make more of a variety of facial expressions, not even a complaint ffs
  14. No, he means people will complain because they like the avi but they don't like the sad expression or whatever. He isn't saying this thread is a complaint. Just that if this is implemented people will complain. There really isn't any current facial expression variety for a complaint to occur
  15. Support lol
  16. me everyday