
Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Burningboy, Apr 24, 2021.

  1. Why can’t you sell an ec token that allows people to trade their avis? I’m stuck with so many female avis that I will never use why can’t each player by a ec token for maybe 30 ec to trade for an avi they want? You actually would make a ton of money as everyone has avis they don’t want.
    Chris9025 likes this.
  2. 1. Both of the threads you made have been suggested before so you didn't even need to make them
    2. You also could've made them into a singular thread (or better yet not at all)
    3. Trading avatars is the dumbest suggestion that keeps getting brought up and I don't even have the energy to explain why it will never happen anymore so I'll let someone else do it.
    DinosAreTheOldestCars likes this.
  3. Tru votes let new folks post and limit the boring well known members
    Tru votes let the folks post avatar threads. ATA should update their avatar limits with all all that sweet sweet $$$$ they got.
  4. [​IMG]
  5. How many times does ata have to say NOOO to you people. Learn to listen
  6. Why you to stupid to search forums before posting? This has been posted 35983378537937934683774 times over the last 5+ years. If you want your reason why then go look
  7. I get that avatar trading will never happen, but now that OP mentioned tokens, why not make monthly avatar coins tradable?

    I’ve gotten a grand total of 4 out of over a thousand spins, and they’re useless to me since I can’t afford anything with them at that rate, and I’m sure there’s a lot of others in the same situation.

    IMO, they’re functionally very similar to avatar shards and I don’t see any good reason that they shouldn’t be tradable. Maybe even more people will spend money on them if they can be converted to in-game currency like bentos.
    Chris9025 likes this.
  8. If we can’t trade them, how about being able to sell them?? Back to the game, not to other players?
  9. No coz you gonna expect to get ec for avis you getting for free just like everyone else who has suggested this
    Ciara likes this.