Avatar: The Last Airbender Fan Fiction

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by renamed34360, Jun 23, 2022.

  1. correcting that dumb fight scene at the end of the series that goes against every prior fight we’ve seen in the show

    SETTING: The courtyard of the Palace of the Fire Lord on the day of the return of Sozin’s Comet.

    Zuko: I challenge you to an Agni Kai, Azula!

    Azula: Yes, brother! [Azula zaps Zuko with lighting before he realizes what is going on. Zuko is dead.] I win!

    Katara: Hope! Don’t give up! Hope! Aang! Aang! Hope! Hope!

    Azula: [Azula zaps Katara. Katara is dead.] This isn’t even slightly difficult. [Azula crowned first Fire Lady.]
  2. now rewrite the entire M. Night Shyamalan film
  3. I actually liked the actor who played General Iroh. I wish they had let him make the other two movies just to see how it’d turn out.