Avatar suggestions

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by x_Ashley_x, Jun 21, 2024.

  1. I wanted to make a suggestion about avatars. I think it would be nice to have some with disabilities shown i think it would resonate with alot of people plus it would be nice to see it with their art style that i very much love.

    The most common one I can think of are wheelchair users but I do believe others could work. For blindness they could show some using a cane or service dog, deafness using hearing aids or cochlear implants, and even ones with prosthetics would be neat.

    I also belive they could make some furniture work. We could have a wheelchair where the chair/desk normally goes, we could have some posters using braille and even have a service dog where the pets would normally go (the ones that cost 499). The only thing I can really think to show deafness would maby be a poster that has sign language on, although this may not be the best since sign language can differ depending on where you're from.

    What are your thoughts? Do you have any suggestion? What are some other disabilities you would like to see shown?
    Ashira46 likes this.
  2. Maybe even a disability awareness event of some sort. Where all the avis for it have different disabilities.

    As you say theres only ever been a couple physically disabled avis shown. Dont see why they cant do more
    Ashira46 and x_Ashley_x like this.