Warrior has gave me permission to advertise his group, and yes it's PimD related. The name is _Warrior's club Join now, all Warrior Helpers will be modded and RAs will be admin, do not ask for these roles unless you are one of them Kthxbai _Warrior's helper, _Spyder
The thread he made was a group as well. Fairly certain it doesn't matter whether it's PimD related or not. Need to double check.
Then Roy would of been silenced too :| In fact I've seen many people say Pal and not get silenced :roll:
Rose, I do believe that even though J3J3's thread was un-stickied, I do not believe that it was locked
I believe that the group SoJ made as a chatrrom for PIMD and PIMD mod contact groups we're exceptions as they clarified with support or devs if it was ok for them to advertise it. (my theory)