ATA Easter Egg Hunt

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Seriously, Apr 21, 2019.

  1. Hi it’s me again, the annoying noob forumer. Anyways I wanted to post my cool idea (no I haven’t sent in a help ticket cause idrc that much). So tomorrow’s Easter (duh Figured ?) and I was thinking what if ATA did this sorta Easter hunt for us. Remember the snowman pvp sorta thing? What if we did that but with Easter eggs. So say ATA gave us a clue. You figure out the clue and find the person that has the answer as their ign. You attack them and if you get it right you get an Easter egg. If you get it wrong then oof you have a chance of being in sfw. And they’ll have a little leaderboard thingy for the people who found the most (or all) the eggs. Bam. Easter egg hunt. And the prize can be like a mod crate or something bc they may not have made another Easter avatar.
  2. To make Easter a little more fun? Idk. It was just a thought
  3. Tbh you should’ve suggested something like this way earlier. It’s kinda too late now
  4. I mean with some tweaking it would be fun but for 24 hours I’m not too sure ?
  5. This is a lil short notice. I assume they'll have smthing set up tho
  6. Yeah. I mean there’s always next year
  7. Still a nice idea ?
  8. There can only ever really be one annoying noob forumer
  9. Nah I’ve met a few
  10. Yes
  11. Ty I don’t try it’s just natural
  12. Am i one?
  13. No you made me feel cool for once.
  14. Yay huzzah
  15. Only because you made her feel cool