Having had a few rs’s and having had the valentines event where people could ask out more it’s been harder to get into long term relationships within pimd. i’ve had a few interests in rs but neither party has ever had an ask out - making it harder for players as it becomes expensive over time and ask out. I had the idea that maybe players could win ask out tokens via spin the wheel to help motivate players to ask out and get into active relationships rather than having to cling onto dead accounts because they don’t have enough ec’s to ask out. Hopefully this isn’t a stupid suggestion.
Would be a nice idea to have an askout in the spin. However, as what you have said, since people will just keep breaking rs whenever they got askout. Valentines is long enough, considering you got unlimited askouts 24/7 for week/s, to find yourself a perm rs (or at least until next vday hunt)
During valentines day i was in a irl and pimd relationship which broke up so i was unable to find a stat or perm rs - hence why i think there should be more available options, especially since in pub I constantly see people asking for an rs who can ask