
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-Ayano-Fire-Konachan- (01), Nov 5, 2011.

  1. I've been practising doing some wall art and club art 

    Here is an example:


    If you would like simple wall/club wall art kindly comment on this thread 

    I'm only starting so please forgive me if I make crappy ones 

    I hope you like my demo art
  2. Wow u have skill girl
  3. Thanks  it took like 15 minutes since I was watching TV.
  4. Its actually pretty good
  5. Thanks guys  Do you want some?

    I'm gonna do one last one before I sleep 
  6. Okie. Just give me a theme and some emojis as an example
  7. Wow its awesome
  8. Good job
  9.  Ace of hearts family and friends 

    Kinda bad.... not very good at wall art lol 
  10. Oh and Jessie I love yours!!! 
  11. Thats pretty good katie
  12. Are you a full-on guy?
    Or a sweet cuddly honey?

    It depends on what you are so Im asking you.

    If you want like the demo, give me 2 letters 
  13. Thank you everyone!!

    I'll be sending out love wall art when I wake up.

    The wall art you will never forget!

    Yaypalicious 
  14. 
  15. I still need to work