Archer hunt suggestion

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Xx-Lancelot-xX, May 14, 2019.

  1. No need to say if you support or not, as I already know it is extremely unlikely they would even consider making this hunt.
    I already know I am gonna get a lot of people who don’t support this, and that’s fine. I don’t care.

    However, I thought I would provide and idea for another hunt if PIMD didn’t have one planned for the last week of may (can extend to the first week of June. Or even the week after as the season will still be new).

    Archer, if you don’t know, is an animated adult comedy about a spy agency- the main character being Sterling Archer. Look it up to learn more, not gonna sit here and explain the show.

    However since PIMD did a Game of Thrones hunt, I was thinking (if they like Archer, if not then they obviously wouldn’t pick this. Because why do a hunt on a show you don’t watch? Duh) a hunt could be made to commemorate the new season coming which I heard will be the last season. Sad, I know. Archer is ending.

    So, if the creators of PIMD watch Archer or even like the show a little bit- maybe an Archer themed hunt could be done.
    The avatars could be similar, but obviously not the same characters as in Archer. Seeing what they did with the Black Widow inspired avatar, I am sure they could make a perfect Lana inspired avatar.
    We could collect bourbon on the rocks from parties and the box, as Archer and Mallory both frequently drink bourbon on the rocks.
    First side hunt could be to collect spy gear. Or even lingerie since Archer obviously has a way with the ladies.
    Second side hunt could be to collect cyborg eyes as clues to track down a certain enemy  for those who watch it, you know who I’m talking about.

    The main character of the hunt could even be a guy named Ranger. Because Archer.... Ranger. Or something better.

    Just an idea. I know its 99.9% certain this won’t be done but I thought I’d put that idea out there.

    If anything, this is more likely to just help me meet fellow Archer fans lol
  2. I think there’s been an avi previously about this show
  3. Ooh if you can find it (or if anyone kmows what avatar this is) please show me~ I would love to see it

  4. I’m assuming it’s from that show anyway but I dunno
  5. I support but feel like it would turn out generic...

    I assumed too, high five :lol:
  6. Oh teue. Seeing this avatar even, I see it as just a generic spy. Damn, then it’d prob turn out super generic spy theme.
    But i guess to add to it they could possibly make an eavesdrop hunt mechanic.
    (And this may be dumb, but also makes the hunt different) losing is better than winning, because Archer isn’t super secretive about his role as a secret agent. Makes a mechanic based on an inaide joke in the show.

    I guess just to make it less generic- with whatever avatars they make, whatever characters they make inspired by characters of the show, they can draw them in a similar style to archer. Well basically do their own style but just add the black lines for indentions like the art style of Archer, that way it’s a little less generic because Archer is known for that touch and art style.
  7. That avatar is the golden gun James Bond thingy.
    I support an Archer hunt, love that show!
  8. It's archer if you wanna believe it. There was another that looked sorta like archer.
    Got it on now... They've alreasy had 2 spy hunts that could be archer-themed ig... Idk what items they'd have? We already have an Ocelot too.

    Plenty of items to collect that smell of Archer. You got any ideas for new ones that you can't collect already?
  9. Omg yes I love Archer! I didn't know it was coming to an end already tho, so sad :(
  10. At least currently with what the producers and cast have let out, it may be the final season. Hopefully not, but it’s more than likely the end.
    For some reason I can’t find the announcement that elided to this being the end anymore though, so maybe that’s a sign? Or the million of articles on the internet washed it out and made it harder to find.

    Hopefully they decide to keep it going when this is over. One of the creators says they’re thinking of keeping it going, but we’ll see. So far it’s the final season.
  11. I do have some ideas but they wouldn’t use my ideas anyways. I’m not a big enough player for them to care.

    It’s also 99.9% certain they won’t go for the idea at all. I just pitched it.
    If they did decide to, I would assume they would choose to because they have ideas for what they’d do with it.

    Plus I also see nothing wrong with repeat items if they’re drawn differently. Not like there’s only one ocelot in the world, right? So why only one ocelot in the game, if they look completely different.

    However here are some ideas

    -One idea I can think of is a holographic waifu inspired by Krieger’s waifu.
    -Maybe a clone pod.
    -Kevlar vest maybe. (I dont know if that was already done)
    -An item referring to the PIMD version of ISIS (for those who don’t watch Archer, ISIS is the name of their secret agency.) probably would be something like PIMDIS or I dont know.
    -Medication for tinnitus maybe
    -The hand pupet Pam has in the title screen (since it’s blacked out I’m sure they could design one in the same shape and be fine)
    -A name tag of a bunch of different names being scratched out, or with new name tags over it. To symbolize Cheryl going by multiple alias’.

    And the list could go on, but thats what I have so far.
  12. I think that if there are already items that resemble archer, and you can make a nice collection, there'll generally be less demand for a hunt on top of it. Those are some good ideas for items tho.
  13. One of this hunts avatars is an archer tbh
  14. I'm in support, even though they've done it before
  15. That’s not at all what I’m talking about xDDD

    Not AN archer. Archer. It’s his name. And the name of the tv show.