April Spinner Items - PlushPals

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Apr 7, 2016.

  1. A number of limited-edition items are now available in the prize spinner.

    Don't wait too long though, these prizes won't be around forever!
    They're only here until the end of the month!

    Simon the Sea Turtle


    Terence the Tiger


    Rhoda the Rhino


    Carol the Cow


    Collect 3 of each item in the set to have them automatically combine into the PlushPals.



    Collect them while you can!
  2. Chibis gone yet? :?
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  3. Yes! ️ And so cute 
  4. Wow so now new spinner items every month?
  5. Are 30kcs not 15kcs ?
  6. Dey are cute
  7. Ya they are actually 15k/15k
  8. ATA!! They're not 15kcs.
    They're actually 30kcs ?
  9. Got the cow lol in first spin
  10. Dont tell grant its messed up shh
  11. You're right. We'll be leaving it as 15k/15k, and upping the combination item to 250k/250k
  12. You also said the gold fish and the munion wouldn't be around forever but that's not what happened hehe