anyone have avatar ideas?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ---_Castiel, May 16, 2015.

  1. Title says it all.. Please comment below if you do.

    Here's mine:

    Sorry for the ginormous pic. And also, if anyone knows how to resize pictures, please teach me masters. I've looked through a lot of guides and the steps are so complicated.
  2. Awesome work :)
  3. Kewl. Hella kewl.
  4. This is Friggin awesome
  5. why he wearin skinnys? he gay?
  6. Thanks guys. If u have any good ideas please let me know !
  7. I dunno how to draw but I would love hipster avas.
  9. Noted!
  10. Yeah more of those would be nice.
  11. This is really great! If I knew how to do that I would post some of my ideas 
  12. To be specific fro urban dance camp will be cool
  13. Nice one dude.. Thumbs up :)