Any one else?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by xoxoMamaMyz, May 30, 2019.

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  1. So I have amps but for some reason when I go to activate it doesn't give me the option to activate? Anyone else have this problem or is it just me?
  2. This is an existing issue, few ways to go about fixing
  3. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling still not fixing it. Lol but tell me what to try especially if it works lol
  4. I thought yoy had to buy those guitar keys from store to activate them eek.

    Not sure if that's your issue or not
  5. Yes, to activate amps you must buy the key guitars located in the store. The color amps match the color of the key guitar! Also make sure you are using the amps for the right party!
    Otaku amps for otaku parties such as cat cafe and the other located in otaku & so on and so forth...
    If that isn’t the issue send in a help ticket explaining your issue.
    Hope that helps!!!! ??
  6. Yeah which I absolutely have amps it says I do but there's no option to activate and its not phone I'm using because everything I use ,tablet other phones . doesn't give me option to activate
  7. When you buy the key guitar it automatically activates for you. The party must be started or initiated to use
  8. I know hun but I can't even buy key tar doesn't give me option
  9. ^ this sounds right to me. I've never heard of or seen a button that says activate. They automatically combine with the key to activate. :) combinations of items including hidden ones is how pretty much everything in pimd works

    Right party, right amp, and right keytar, and you have enough cash to buy the keytar? I'd send a ticket to a.t.a
  10. Yeah I see the amps in your showcase but those are for bro code and vip pass parties. Your club has art skool going on so you cannot use those amps. You need an art school amp to be used for pizza party.
  11. I had art school amp lol had to send to member of club to have them activate
  12. Ty all for answering me I have open ticket with ata they haven't closed yet or I would have been able to ask them.
  13. Oh it might be a glitch next time it happens plz try to maybe clear cache, force close app, or reinstalling.
    Hope that helps!
    Have fun ?
  14. Will Do tyvm
    Moderators can u lock?
  15. If they’ve already answered that ticket but not closed you can always ask there as well
  16. Locking at OP's request.
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