Any Jedward fans?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Eleeshaa (01), Mar 20, 2012.

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  1. Not Jacob black and Edward Cullen! John and Edward grimes from Ireland! 
  2. I Jedward. They have cool and an awesome accent
  3. Awh yay! I was wondering if I'd ever find another fan on here :D
  4. They are frickin fabulous
  5. I hate Jedward  They can't even sing 
  6. They can't sing.
    They talk too much.

    But they're both stupid enough to make me laugh. 
  7. Any poop fans?

    Yes me
  8. Rose how could you be so mean about Jedward?
  9. Rose if youre not a fan why are you on here?
  10. The title doesn't say you have to be a fan does it? :3
  11. I like jedward they rock I have the same sorta accent as them
  12. But if ya wanna diss them start a thread that haters can go on and say what they want about them and let Jedicated people love em here.
  13. Hmm. I'm pretty good here actually 
  14. Please Rose. If you make one for haters I won't hate you. Please?
  15. I hate to break it to you, but I don't really care if you hate me or not. And you're making a big deal and further ruining the thread out of one comment. Little bit of an over-reaction, no?
  16. It's called being Jedicated. However you don't understand what it's like bein Jedicated coz you're just a hater.
  17. Btw can you silence me for anything I say on here?
  18. Touchy? 

    And yes. If you break rules on forums I will still silence you.
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