any fun wars? bored of partying

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Radioactive-2, Jan 11, 2014.

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  1. So yeah I'm bored of partying if you're going to war sometime this weekend wall me or post here I guess.... So anybody doing anything? ?
  2. There's always that one troll...

    Please no stupidity
  3. Look in campus buzz.
  4. I did ? nothing
  5. Then I guess you don't get to war.
    Simple. It sucks that there's no real wars anymore.
  6. I will war, I will, I will
  7. Why don't you start your own war? No I'm not trolling
    It's a legit question.
  8. 1) Because I'm a noob and it will take me awhile to make enough for clubs
    2) I am too lazy to find people who want to war

    Thats why  well i guess there's nobody. I'm gonna request a lock
  9. Oh well, in before lock ️?
  10. No one wants to war anymore, it's so depressing
  11. OP requested lock
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