Any critic around?!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -AC-TheAlphaWolf-, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. Alrighty! So I have this essay due on Friday and I got it done early(you cannot believe how surprised my parents were) .Anywho,can anybody critique it?!
    Anything from a few comments to an in depth critique is cool.

    Making Peace With Demons Of The Past

    With a nervous gait,he stepped into the dimly lit room.Some light filtered in through a crack in the wall faintly illuminating the contents of the old room.An old Victorian armchair,a dirty, dilapidated bed and a sink with a rusty valve which would most definitely give you tetanus if it cut you,occupied the room.
    He felt his senses getting sharper as he entered,noticing one of the bolts in the old fan missing which caused it to creak.
    He strode towards the bed like a man about to fulfil his life's purpose.He slipped his trembling hand into his pocket,hoping to feel something that would making him feel calmer.He first came into contact with a few silver dinar which he pushed away to the corner of his pocket.As he was flicking the last coin across his finger swiped across the front of a knife which lay in there.His finger felt like someone injected a big needle into it without first giving him aneasthesia.He stifled his wail,evidently to not wake the sleeper who twisted over to the opposite side of the bed causing it to groan.

    Covered in a moth eaten
    blanket was the frail figure of a woman, her hands were still clenched around the blanket.She was curled up into a little ball making it difficult for him to judge her.He stood,hovering over her like a specter while a hurricane of thoughts tore across his mind.

    The cut on his finger was oozing the thick red liquid as he stuck it in his mouth to suck the blood up.It left a metallic,salty taste on his tongue.Yet,it also gave him a sense of calm,very unsettling but none the less calm.Maybe he had made peace with what he was about to do.

    He let his mind wander over the incidents that had culminated into this moment.A lost mother,a bitter father and an ungrateful family,whose images wafted through his mind.Their time would come to and then he'd finally have his peace.His mind took a sharp turn over that last thought."Will it truly make you peaceful?Will you truly be able to live with it?",his own voice echoed inside him.
    "Yes",was all he said.
    He took furtive glance at the occupant of the bed and all was for naught.

    The blanket had managed to slip off her face revealing a tangled mass of cascading black hair.In the midst of the black storm was the pale,white calm on her face.It reminded him of the first ray of sunshine that splits through the sky after a storm.He wanted to take a closer look at her features but moving her hair aside,he risked waking her up."I don't have much anyway",his inner voice said,"She'll wake up.It isn't much,you're here to send her to the brother of sleep aren't you?",the voice was almost devilish now.Urging him to fall prey to his temptations.Gingerly,he moved a few locks off her cheek to reveal the cheery high-cut cheek bones evidently covered with tear stains.They looked like fresh dew drops on the petals of a rose according to him and all wanted was to rub his palm against them.With an immense force of will he resisted the urge.He let the soft black hair tangle itself around his fingers as if all he wanted was to be a part of them.As he moved a few strands off the bottom he saw her lush red lips and he could feel the gentle essence of honeysuckle waft up his nose.It hit him harder than any narcotic and believe it,for he'd inhaled every last one of them.It almost made him want to let her be and not disturb her peace."No,I have to do this.I need this.",those last 3 words,8 letters and 3 syllables echoed over and over again.In a more heinous voice after each and every time.

    He got off the bed quickly,well-prepared about what he was going to do.His quick movement stirred the sleeper and she woke up with a start.As he turned,he found himself staring into the deepest blue eyes he'd ever seen.The colour reminded him of the ocean.They were so bright that he almost felt consumed by them.

    "Is it you?",she muffled.
    "Yes",he replied.
    "Are you going to do it?",she looked at him,knowing she never wanted to hear the answer.
    "Yes I am" was his retort.
    "Get it over with then,I made my peace with it years ago.I pray you do too sometime."

    He flinched for a second because he expected her to grovel and beg for mercy and not accept it so easily.Her words stung him no less,if she was big enough to let what happened go,why hadn't he yet?Was he a psychopath?Was the psychologist right after all these year?Was all that he was doing this for wrong?Was it all for naught?

    "Leave",he said rather curtly.
    "What?",she asked clearly puzzled.
    "I'm not doing it.It isn't worth it.",his tone calmer now.
    "Have you forgiven me?",he quickly asked hoping to know before she left.
    "Yes.I forgave you for it long ago.",she said as she gathered a few of her belongings.

    He sat down on the armchair with his head buried in his sweaty palms.He could hear her pulling up the zipper of her jacket and turning towards the door.He put his hand into his rear pocket and pulled out the object of his desire.

    It was over in the blink of an eye.The crack of her skull,the recoil and the thud of a dead body hitting the ground.

    "I guess I've made my peace too now.",he slurred.
    He placed it on his own temple,pulled it and let the deafening silence of the night cover up the sound.

    On a nearby tree an owl cooed as of nothing had happened in the room a few feet away from where he perched.
  2. Number one huge correction you need to take care of: Spaces after punctuation!
  3. Also, this isn't an essay. This is a short story.
  4. Spaces after punctuation. So far I don't see many grammatical errors, so you're off to a decent start.
  5. Yes, spaces after punctuation. And it could use a few commas here and there, but otherwise, it's good.
  6. Yeah seems good except the spaces part (as everyone has already stated). Hope you get a good grade.