Another Post Your Photo Thread lol

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by L3ON, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. Sorry guys i'm bored on lunch break

  2. Are you eating a plastic bag? 
  3. If thats what you call it in your country then i guess i am
  4. I just can't tell what it is 
  5. Heres a clue, its coming out of my mouth, not going in
  6. Smoke?  it looks really thick though 
  7. CONGRATS

    Thats because its not a 

  8. Sandman, Y U SMOKE VEGETABLES? 
  9. i dont smoke vegetables
  10. Maxie smokes fruits 
  11. I smoke banana peels

  12. Might have to try that one day
  13. Just slice them real thin and let them dry off, then roll em
  14. I smoke chicken wings.
  15. I didn't work. D: