Anime Assemble

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Endeavor, Nov 26, 2019.

  1. So Guys we know that there are many anime lovers and I have made the forum so that y'all help expand the anime love all of y'all write a anime series which u wish should be watched with its genre down let's watch something new each day!

    Terminator19 likes this.
  2. Finally we'll get some good anime series recommendation 😍
  3. pokemon, adventure
  4. A thread like that already exists here!
    DemonGoddess10 and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  5. I like how the link is too Ciara making fun of my spelling error in that thread.
  6. Get roasted nerd
    DemonGoddess10 likes this.
  7. I donut have time to watch shows everyday tho
    Muschi likes this.