Android Update v2.63

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. There is a new Android build ready for download.

    This new build brings the Relationship button with it:

    The Relationship Feature itself will be coming in the next couple of weeks, with more information around the time of it's release.

    For now, the Relationship button doesn't do anything.
  2. Ummm I will let other people test it first.
  3. Mind sending me an EC Gift or 2? ?
  4. Wait.

  5. Okay.....I'm iOS ?
  6. It works fine. It's just the Relationship button that's about it.
  7. I want some of ur gems
    Okay nice pimd, wanna have relation with me?
  8. OH MA GAWD!
    Those ECS!!
  9. Wish i had that many EC
  10. Just waiting for people to start requesting my love lmfao 
  11. im scared to dwl it p.d Send me ec gifts noob
  12. Crap now I keep hitting the VIP button
  13. I would like that kcs ?
  14. when is soon? That button is place wrong, that'll get annoying. Should have put it at the bottom under help
  15. lol same here deadman keep pressing vip instead of forums
  16. You get used to it. :lol:
  17. Still can't believe you're adding this crappy feature 