An Idea 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by lIIIlIIIlIIIlLINKIIIlIIIlIlIII, Apr 13, 2019.

  1. Welp here goes nothing...

    Allowing the club president or maybe even admin to set DN limits? ?‍♀️ Just an Idea... lay your thoughts on me people 
  2. That would be useful for CC clubs
  3. yes, this would also help those who are accused of using dns and getting kicked for no reason.
  4. I Think Club pres should because a lot of clubs (cat clubs really) admins are never on the same page , but allowing admins to see is nice .

    Support ?

    But how would they see it?
  5. I was thinking that but it would possibly help when regular clubs are doing it as well.
  6. Oh yeah, definitely. But a lot of CC clubs have this problem and it starts drama. So this would solve that
  7. I feel like the should be able to set it up in club settlings or when they start the party? Maybe even have a notification for it saying that there is a DN limit set? I guess they could see who used DNs and the limits when they can see who is active in the party and in party history next to the persons IGN. Hopefully that makes sense ??
  8. Yeah Dramas not always fun ?

  9. So like both ways to set it sounds pretty cool , but then they would have to do it with every party they have . Which can be annoying along with the numerous notifications. But yeah I like the idea , but clubs may be in potd . I feel like there are a lot of pros and cons . One thing they should do is show dn usage in party history along with hits

  10. Support
  11. what if i’m dning to hit someone ?
  12. It could potentially only show if you used a DN then hit the party with it perhaps. So you could still do that
  13. There we go ?
  14. I meant potd danger , ffs ?‍♀️
  15. If they are in danger then they should be able to go back and pause or disable the feature (something along those lines) just until the party ends. It should still show who used more than the allotted DNs before the assistance that was given??‍♀️ I dunno let ATA lay down the hammer on that ?
  16. Honestly support. Super useful

  17. Facts , but what I meant by it is it may get annoying
  18. It would also prevent people from trying to get away with going over.

    No support.