An Anonymous Complain That Isn't A Conplaint

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *SingItOut0916 (01), Oct 29, 2011.

  1. I needed to talk. I needed a voice. I could vent about so many things. I could vent about my mother. I could vent about my friends. But there's one thing I want to vent about, but I'm scared that he might find it. If I were to vent, it would be a complaint that I never see him, which I don't. I would complain how he doesn't talk to me the same way that he used to, which he doesn't. I would complain that he talks to and sees my friends more than he does with me, which he does. But I would never complain about any of that, now would I? Of course not! Because I'm just supposed to smile and nod and let him do whatever he wants. If he wants to always dodge seeing me, that's up to him. I'm at his mercy. I have no say in any of it. No matter how hard I try to, I just can't. I'm at his mercy. So why would I ever feel the need to complain that he never talks to me? I don't, so I won't. And why would I feel that he's so far gone that he's not even considered lost anymore? I don't, so I'm not going to. And I never will, now will I? Nope, because everything is just fine in our little nonexistant relationship. Nothing could ever be wrong. Not even that he spends more time with one of my beat friends ten times more than he would ever thing if doing with me! What's the wrong in that? Nothing...
  2. Sorry if you feel that I'm wasting forum space, but I just needed to get that out. Anyone else here that could relate? Or even a little advice? Thank you for reading all of that!
  3. it was too long.. I mean
  4. This guy don't deserve to have a girlfriend. You worth more than him. A man should do everything for his girlfriend.
  5. Are you a person with self respect? 
  6. Erm no. Im not lesbian. Hense why it says HE throughout the entire thing. But thanks for paying attention:)
  7. Funny. Your going through the sane situation as one of my friends
  8. Oh really? Yeah it's not a fun thing to go through /:
  9. I remember when people that weren't attention seeking used a pen and paper
  10. I've been in your position B4.... I now hate that girl.
  11. Agree with Rogue. 
  12. My gf was like tht once and it took me a little 2 get over it but when I did I dumped her ass . You can tell him how u feel and if it doesn't work I'd break up wit him. Sorry about tht
  13. Well Rogue thanks for the complaint, but I'm not an attention seeker 
    When i write, I also write for critique on my writing. If you want to give me constructive criticism, that would be great! If not, please refrain from posting. Thank you 

    And as for everyone else, thank you for listening and the feedback. I'm trying to handle it as well as I can, but sometimes you just need from people that have had experience in this. So thank you so much. Mwah 