I'm so stressed about this election.Am I wrong to think most trump supporters are raciest and not really educated.??Like who in there right mind would vote for him.
1: you didn't spell racist correctly And 2: I think you shouldn't generalize a certain group. I'm not a trump supporter, I think he's god awful but so is Hillary, I'm not even american but yeah. Thats my opinion.
you may be wrong but most evidence would agree in your favor. however his wife is great friends with Putin so having him win might be good for this country on the aspect of having Russia as an ally
I just can't see how other people feel that he's the right person to run this country. He has zero political experience and I doubt he would have any idea what to do if he was in office. How is this guy getting any votes IDK... I just lost some faith in humanity.
if you actually looked into hillary blinton you would wonder how she is getting any votes lol. donald trump has great management ability
Am I wrong for thinking you follow mainstream media and are only aware of what they tell you when glorifying Killary because they're on her payroll?
He basically just won. They were tied at first but now it's kind of a slaughter. I thought she'd at least be pretty close to him peoples of California but even with Cali she's screwed.
Actually, statistically speaking, uneducated young people tend not to vote. Anyone who is actually educated knows that. The people who DO vote are White, middle-aged/old, educated, and financially successful. Guess which party they also tend to belong to. The Republican Party.
You are wrong for trying to call out a group of people before you have your own points in check first