According to a greatly knowledged friend I have an alter ego. I have written things i don't rememer writing. Braided my hair several times. And most recently woke up a mile from my house with a broken leg. Strange thing is I remember going there and talking to someone. But when you sleep walk you don't remember anything. So what the hell is going on?
u are being kidnapped by sumo wrestlers and taken too different places in time and space. This is not a blessing it is a curse it means the sumo wrestlers want u too become there 'sumo master kupachnitoo' this is a bad thing. The solution is simple Poke the fat Mutha fuckas in the eye. they will get the point hope i helped.
Fucking hell It's much worse than i thought it must be the combination of the koala's and kangoroos. I knew this day would come i tried too warn people but no one listened. In this case we must all get together and build another titanic we must escape the koalas and kangaroos