alter egoes

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Simply_Fox (01), Sep 14, 2011.

  1. According to a greatly knowledged friend I have an alter ego.
    I have written things i don't rememer writing. Braided my hair several times. And most recently woke up a mile from my house with a broken leg. Strange thing is I remember going there and talking to someone. But when you sleep walk you don't remember anything.

    So what the hell is going on?
  2. Oh and I've woken up with cuts that I didn't do
  3.  u are being kidnapped by sumo wrestlers and taken too different places in time and space. This is not a blessing it is a curse  it means the sumo wrestlers want u too become there 'sumo master kupachnitoo' this is a bad thing. The solution is simple 

    Poke the fat Mutha fuckas in the eye.  they will get the point  hope i helped.
  4. DID? Look it up, read on it  That's not a good sign...
  5. Get someone to tie you down while you sleep and to untie you when you wake up 
  6. Yes sec cuz that is the answer.
  7. Pham. Pham. Pham. I have nothing for you
  8. I'm sure it isn't. Cuz I have 4 neighboors. The closest is a mile away and he's no sumo wresler
  9. Well I didn't ask for anything, so okay. 
  10. And why not call me by the first part of my name?
  11. Cuz pham sounds cooler.
  12. Fucking hell  It's much worse than i thought  it must be the combination of the koala's and kangoroos. I knew this day would come  i tried too warn people but no one listened.

    In this case we must all get together and build another titanic  we must escape the koalas and kangaroos
  13. Sec leave find the fucking door and leave
  14. Oh. Okay.
  15. Split personality syndrome. Look it up. Eve White case, weird stuff :0
  16. -Locks Door- No ones leaving >:)