Allow me to reintorduce myself.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Guy, Sep 21, 2015.

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  1. Hello Forums,
    A few weeks back I made a apology thread. That one was just a rough draft. Time for the real one! Please do not talk about my pimd past after reading this.

    I am Forums. I started pimd 9/30/14. During the months of me playing pimd. I have been being a
    - Try-Hard
    - Asskisser
    - Wannabe Mod
    - Catfish

    That is now over. Asskissing is not doing anything but making me hated. Being a try-hard is making me hated. I will no longer be The Things listed above. I would like to apologize to my "Peers". Enigma i know you hate me for being a try-hard. I'm sorry I will no longer so that. I WILL NO longer be a catfish. I have nothing to hide. You guys have seen the real picture of me posted on the selfie thread. The brown skin one is me. The reason I have been catfishing is cause I kinda have medium self esteem. I will continue reporting stuff that wasn't silenced or punished. I don't care what you guys think that I'm a snitch. I'm no snitch, I'm helping the pimd community stay clean. I'm not reporting to get mod. I'm doing it cause I'm helping the Game.

    I'm Super sorry to all!

    Bye, Have a nice day :)
  2. You don't have to apologize to nobody for who you are playa. Just be you.


    you're just inviting people to bust your balls for writing this
  3. Don't drag off topic. I don't have time for trolls.
  4. Should I tell mod to lock?
  5. Nah, screw the potatoes. Let them trolololo
  6. I'll ignore them.
  7. all i said was what :roll: hardly can call that trolling
  8. Whatever. Please don't start.
  9. You say that now, But as soon as you become unhappy with something or you want something really bad from ATA, You'll go back to you old ways.
  10. he's unhappy with me :lol:
  11. Nah, I don't care for Mod or HS. They rub the game not me. I find with all chooses
  12. LOL :roll:
  13. Allow me to reintroduce myself
    My name is Hov
    H to the O V
  14. why my name up there :roll:
  15. I'm not trying to troll or bust your balls but I really don't think anyone really cares. If your going to change just do it. We don't need an announcement every time your conscious gets to you.
  16. well said
  17.'re still trying hard to make people on a mobile app like you. And I thought my opinion of you couldn't drop any lower.
  18. Save the big words, and act on what you say.

    Learn how to love yourself. No one said it was easy.

    Change does not happen overnight, it takes time and effort.

    We learn as we grow.
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