All of these damn rp's.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by SVG-TheFaLLenFenrir-, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. What is so great about them? It's not even a damn story. Ask for an rp section or something, me and my associate were doing some tests, and the only thing that is remotely funny about them, is trolling them. Please, make STORIES. Not rp's. k?
  2. If you don't like it, you don't have to try to ruin them for everyone else!
  3. Please Ignore is ignorance K?
    A. Someone has already posted on forums about their being to much rps
    B. Most people will ignore this.
  4. ^.^ If they can ignore this, they can ignore my posts then huh?
  5. -reads what Vasto writes and writes out my own response-
  6. It's what some people like. Just because you don't like something, doesn't mean others won't either. Think outside of your ego-filled head sometimes. Think about others point of views, not just your own. Plus, you've been here...What? 15 minutes? A bit judgemental considering that...

    Just because you are liked in other parts of forums, doesn't mean you will be liked and listened to here. To FF, you're noobs. People don't like being told what to do by noobs. 

    I'm in a harsh mood. .-.
  7. To everybody else, you're weird noobs. -writes out how you should ask for an rp section, and begins to rp more-
  8. Nicely said Rani! Yea I'm going to ignore your troll post.
  9. People don't like me in regular forums I'm sure they won't like me here either 
  10. People have asked for a roleplay section in the past. The devs are beyond caring about PIMD, it seems anyway. .-.
  11. We've already talked about this. Ethan, please don't bring it back. We are all aware of the shitton of RPs that fuck up Fan Fiction but we aren't High School Heroes, we can't ask for an RP section. It was done multiple times before and the devs just won't say yes.

    Roleplays never belonged on FF, but we've gradually began tolerating them. Still, we're working on a solution and trying to see how roleplayers would react. Being a roleplayer (not the kind on FF) myself, I just want everyone to achieve the 'SHUT THE FUCK UP AND ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE' award and let bygones be bygones.

    Making a thread after three weeks of quiet doesn't really help. Js.
  12. ^.^ make enough requests, and it'll happen.
  13. Red Tiger- It's obvious they do. .-. I used to have respect for you because you seemed okay in regular forums, but meh... ._.
  14. Ethan. You've only been here for like 15 minutes. Don't act as if you know what has been going on, because you haven't. :|
  15. You know, we could ask for a rp section... But if ATA hasn't made one yet, then TOO BAD. I might consider making more rps JUST to piss you off. But I won't. Not in the mood, lol.
  16. Or i've been secretly lurking this whole time.
  17. If you continue being ignorant no one will get to. Look what i did there, threw a little logic into your not so smart reason there tiger.
  18. Ever since 2011? Please, Ethan, if you really did lurk you'd know we made a fuck ton of requests and failed solutions already.