Agility Build Idea

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Rqudiel, May 5, 2019.

  1. I'm not sure if this is a good idea or bad at all. But, what if we have a new stats other than just str and int.
  2. What would it be? And how would it function?
  3. Like maybe agility? Well its up to ATA how will it function tho. Im not good at that. Im just suggesting.
  4. But a suggestion without clarity is no suggestion.
  5. Agility Build

    This build is capable of being able to dodge and counter hits. When the hit dodges, it'll take away 2% of your HP, but it'll take away 10% of the attacker's HP. When you counter, you suffer 4%, but the attacker suffers 15% and losses 20% of the cash on hand.

    This build has a 50/50 chance of dodging or countering attackers, but it will have a hard time against pure strength/Intel builds. Even builds will have 50/50 challenge. It's main attacks are Fight and Prank.

    Can't think of anything else.
  6. But the op called for a third stats category.
  7. Some people divide str dormate and int dormate by arrage them on right and left side in dorm. Btw why you wanna agility?? This is pimd not dota or something
  8. Support
  9. And I gave a fanmade short description of third stats category lol
  10. Even build is the dominant build no matter what
  11. In that case, they should change some bars into agility type if ever. Add another type of attack.
  12. Lol. Im not thinking of any other games. Its just odd that theres str and int but no agility.
  13. If it's not broken dont fix it.
  15. Like speed adds evasiveness so a chance to miss attack?
  16. That sounds over powered
  17. I feel like agility would fall into the intelligence category. Or even be a mix of the two
  18. Sounds cool

  19. Mind, body, soul...

    Screw Agility, I want a spirituality bar.