Adventuresome Adventures

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by MiaKhaIifa, Dec 2, 2013.

  1. So in the midst of all this "I wish I was forum famous" and the scammers and the item selling, I've decided to make a thread in honor of Hoepoe and our many adventuresome adventures together :D



    And there you have it non-pointless thread is not pointless \(^▽^)/
  2.  Brilliant
  3. 
  4. ? Tell your pet rock to teach me how to dance too.
  5. He'll gladly teach you in exchange for a pair of socks he gets cold at night
  6. Thanks Obama
  7. You're very welcome
  8. 

    This is.......... 
  9. Thank you hoepoe I try
  10.  I love this. Brilliant 
  11. Grassy ninjy
  12. So that's where my pet rock went ?
  13. Why wasn't I in this? :/
  14.  Because you're not a cool as Jopo.
  15. Jopo show off those moves!!!
  16. Precisely dook^
    Timmy sends his love Wyatt
  17.  Snickleees this was perfect.
  18. That looked like some bad dancing :T
  19. Should make more of these. Lol