Adulthood is Disappointment

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Sherily, Jun 12, 2019.

  1. I ordered a hot cookie at this bar. Turns out, a "hot cookie" is a yuckily sweet alcoholic beverage and not an actual cookie. I am depressed now.

    Thanks for listening.
  2. That sounds awful :(
  3. I wanna be a kid again and play with dirt without being judged. ☹
  4. ur sweeter than the hottest cookie of all cookies, with or without alcohol. preferably without.
  5. Ty for being here for me in my time of need.

    Let's made mud cakes.
  6. Bet. I'll being my tiny shovel and bucket.
  8. I used to have a bunch of mini cupcake tins at my grandmas house for this :’)
  9. >: (
  10. Adulthood is expensive and that’s disappointing, I always thought I’d be living the happy life but really I’m just paying for everything
  11. i ordered Còcktail thinking it would be díck but all i got was alcohol ?
  12. Perfect, you are invited to the dinner party. Bring your mini cupcake tinsel, Papi will bring his tint shovel and bucket and I will bring... mud.
  13. I almost snorted picturing you just bringing a wheelbarrow of mud.
  14. That must have been a real let down for you. :(

    Are you me? Because this is me.
  15. this is the real struggle.
  16. My wheelbarrow of mud is the MVP of the event, buckaroo.
  17. I'm bring snaccs, I should be the MVP. 
  19. Wow I didn’t get an invite