Ads for EC

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by xXFrenchFrenchTheBunnyXx, Apr 2, 2019.

  1. Can we PLEASE watch ads for extra creds?? PLEASE its hard to do anything without EC! And it would be nice to get EC without using money!
  2. Oh honey...go to the store and tap “earn free extra credits”
  3. Whenever I click that button it only gives me options that cost money. "Download this app and make a purchase!" Ohhh, so free.
    Don’t get me wrong, I don’t support the idea.
  4. Whenever I click that button it only gives me options that cost money. "Download this app and make a purchase!" Ohhh, so free.
    Don’t get me wrong, I don’t support the idea.
    you have to buy like $1 in another app for 50~60ecs here n thats kinda worth it ?
  5. Damn, lucky you! I have offers with like "make a purchase of at least $65!" and another one being at around $150. It’s insane.
  6. Y’all who support this wouldn’t have survived years ago before the wheel, offerwall, etc existed if you think this is difficult :? Spam them jobs for maybe a whole 1 ec like everyone else had to do :(
  7. throw back :(
  8. I was low key mad when they added the wall offers.
  9. I’ve gained very nicely because of it but I literally would have never thought they were going to :(
  10. They won’t implement it
  11. It is really nice but way too easy. "Oh... I want that 200 EC Avi?  No biggie."
    *Plays random game for 3 days*
    "You have received 243 credits."
  12. Oh definitely :lol: and still people want easier ways
  13. I was there during those times... I remember how ya had to spam 15-20 jobs to get 1-3 ecs.. Oh and that damn feature which ata removed cz ppl made alts ( gifting ec to rs) I didn't know the existence of alts or how to make one back then or else I would have earned them with that gifting ec option
  14. Those were the days?