About Current game logo and cover

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by _0oO_CrimsonKnightofLove_o0o_, Jul 13, 2023.


Ata should change its current game logo and cover

  1. yes

  2. no

  3. Neutral

  1. Pimd should Change its current logo and cover.. its kinda embarrassing to open/logging on this app in public.I dont know how many u guys will agree with me. But i think ata should change it. TIA
  2. It gets changed with every update. If you are embarrassed to play this game then dont play it? Or suck it up and stop caring about what other people think. The world is to busy to stop and stare at your phone to see what you are doing
    IcyPenguin, Reee and JaneInTheStreets like this.
  3. I don’t see how it’s embarrassing or why it should be changed. It’s just cartoon characters at the beach in beach appropriate clothing, and I sincerely doubt people will get bothered.

    The fact that you play pimd is probably much more embarrassing than the cover picture given the game’s reputation, and no logo or cover change will fix that. 🤭
  4. Tbh I thought we were talking about the actual logo, not the background with the avis. I think that aspect of the game could be revamped. It’s outdated for the current game style and layout. But at the same time if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.
  5. Agreed.