A Truth

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nathan1637, Oct 28, 2014.

  1. I am getting on a fake alt with my fake tags to make a pointless thread that people will still click anyway and call "pointless" even if that is pointless as well.

    I can bash a lot of people and then I'll have the next war hungry, drama loving person demand to bring my main out or else I am a coward because courage is apparently about giving out information about yourself on a gaming app.

    And then they blame you for being so careless if something happens.

    ATA needs money to keep the game running. They will make a new feature to draw in the crowd intended for this game. Old players will be upset. New players don't really care. Old players will quit. A trend begins. Quitters are now cool. Some will come back. Quietly.

    ATA says they care. ATA says they will do something. Nothing drastic ever comes. Players complain again. When do people not complain anyway?
  2. If I wrote anything else, it'd be completely contradictory so nice job. .-.
  3. Complaining is the love language of PIMD players.
  4. I thought it was Drama
  5. It's both 
  6. Pimd has 2 dialects then. And everyone is pretty much fluent. The devs are like every government. (Not every) you know why.

    Pimd is potential enough to be a country.
  7. Just wondering but can any of you guys see why pimd made the changes it did?
  8. Besides the money
  9. PIMD has always been intended to be a social game. They just went on the wrong side of "social" this time.
  10. What would happen if ATA charged $.99 to download? There's something to ponder...
  11. Just enjoy this game. if u don't like it just delete this app.
  12. ^ This guy does not get the point. Poor lamb.
  13. ASScensions are butthurts. They say everyone is a keyboard warrior as if they are walking with a Hand GUN lol, you guys are keyboard warriors too ;)
  14. ^says the scared main posting with an alt 
  15. Butthurt you seem to give Ascension so mch attention for someone calling them out for being overly passionate about the game. I guess you're passionate over Ascension.
  16. He is upset he failed at getting one silenced 
  17. Im neither Upset nor passionate about ASScension, Just ugly truth about the mod who is misusing his power and the cry baby JOPO.
  18. Eh I've been here for a while not on this acct. I had another acct. a while back but yeah anyways. I don't mind all these little updates I mean all games change, all games have their up's and down's, all games will have their fare share of hate/loving fans.

    ♻Do I like the parties?
    Yeah it's better then going into a war having to stay on 24/7 so I don't get farmed when I got stuff to do the next day. It's a time saver and a good thing. I mean really if you hate parties simply don't do them and leave its that simple.

    ♻Do I like the hunts every 2 weeks only lasting a 1 week long?
    Yeah they're creative. Sure some may not look good and some may not catch your interest but guess what? You don't have to do them, it's optional. No ones forcing you to do it. If you don't like the hunts then don't do it. It's that simple.

    ♻Why are their less wars?
    It's called PARTY  Key word here people PARTY In My Dorm not War in my dorms.
